Trends in Hotel Lobby Design, by Alba Vila

Trends in Hotel Lobby Design for 2024: Hotels We Will Experience in the Coming Years

CIDON Interior Design & Contract brings us the latest trends in hotel lobby design for 2024. These trends in design, materials, and experiences have been observed in renovation projects of renowned hotel chains worldwide.

This time, we spoke with Alba Villa Garrido, an architect at CIDON, to discuss the trends she has noticed in the renovation projects of the clients of CIDON Interior Design & Contract.

Vincci Molviedro lobby area

What can we highlight as a trend for 2024 in these renovation projects?

We can highlight a shift in the functionality of this common space. Lobbies are no longer understood simply as an exclusive area for check-in; they are now considered one of the most important areas in a hotel. It’s the space that greets and forms the first impression upon arrival. It has become a new space that serves as a lively meeting point, where it’s crucial to convey a sense of comfort and spontaneity, communicating the essence of the hotel from the first encounter.

Lobby Fuerteventura Mar

What is the main inspiration behind these trends?

The main inspiration is what the hotel wants to convey to its guests: a lobby that adapts to different customer situations and the hotel’s needs. It’s a versatile space where people can talk, wait, read, have a coffee, and engage in pleasant conversations with other guests. The lobby needs to be open and easily visible, allowing guests to see all the spaces at a glance. The design should create a welcoming environment where guests can comfortably spend their time during their stay or while waiting.

What notable aspects regarding materials, layout, furnishings, and other elements are part of these trends?

There is a growing demand for the use of high-quality, natural materials such as wood, as well as lime-based paints that add a touch of color, showcasing the material’s full potential. Mixing these materials with powerful design elements, both in furniture and decor, as well as in lighting, is essential to create a warm and comfortable space. Achieving a balance between colors, textures, and lighting that reflects the hotel’s essence is a priority in renovation design. Regarding the layout, as mentioned earlier, the space should be open, but attention must also be paid to the internal organization of different areas and the equipment used. Staying innovative and efficient is crucial for the success of each project.

Lobby TRS Ibiza

How do these trends benefit guests’ reception and stay?

Primarily, they help in humanizing the space, making it habitable so that guests do not see it as a passageway or an uncomfortable area for check-in upon arrival. Guests should perceive this space as interesting within the accommodation, where they can experience various activities such as mini-events or presentations. These actions make their stay a unique memory within the overall experience.

Finally, how can we incorporate these trends into current hotel designs?

A strong and consistent first impression must be created through powerful furniture, ample light, and movement, ensuring communication between different common areas so that guests feel comfortable. The end result should establish a direct connection with the hotel’s aesthetics through this welcoming first space.